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lunch mmmmmmmmmmm

why tf did u search this up


by that one guy that ate his dog December 14, 2020

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

shannon lunch

When you take an extra long time during your lunch break.

Joe: Wheres Bob, he was supposed to be back 15 minutes ago?
Lisa: Oh he must be taking a shannon lunch again

by Kioljdj August 28, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Time for lunch

The most effective phrase to say when a male wants a female to fellate (see: Fellatio) him; often paired with the action of simultaneously unbuttoning the pants and pulling out the penis.

Origin: The pornographic classic "Sex City 2", the sequel to "Sex City" and precursor to "Sex City 3"

Male: Shut your fucking mouths, bitches!

Female: Can't you be a little nicer, cutie.

Male: Ok, time for lunch. (Whips out junk)

by Quixo December 19, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

wet lunch

To consume alcohol with lunch to make your work afternoon more interesting.

"Suzy, Jefferson, Brett, Chreees & Romain regularly head out for a wet lunch to break up their mundane lives selling software... the result is afternoons with a whole lot of pizazzz."

by Suzy H. January 9, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Italian Lunch

Pleasuring yourself anally using the mouth of a passed out girl/guy.

I have a bad taste in my mouth since Christian and I had an Italian Lunch.

by Jebezzel April 22, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

lunch cutter

when a person is trying all night to get with a girl, and as he pops to the toilet some smooth talker jumps in and takes her home, he would then be a lunch cutter...can also be used for people who are cheating with your other half

yo dude i been workin on her all nyt, u jus totally cut my lunch, u lunch cutter!!

by milanboy October 1, 2005

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finger lunch

1)A synonm for the chocolate bar "Twix". The term comes from the products' "finger" styled form, and is often eaten as a quick snack, sometimes being substituted for an actual luncheon, hence the term "finger lunch".
2)A song by the evil metal band COOL

1) Person 1 : "Wow i'm hungary, but i lack the neccessary funds and time to indulge in a full meal"
Person 2 : "Power up with a finger lunch"

2) finger lunch (eeeuuuwwww) its finger lunch (oooouuuuwwww) its fingER lunch (eeeuuuuwwww) its finger lunch (DUN DUN DUN)

by a concerned onlooker March 29, 2005

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