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Someone who no one will ever love she has tons of pimples is a bitch and is adopted


by Swagteam11 September 25, 2019


A very nice and outgoing person. She looks very nice but be careful because she might USE you. Although you think you trust her and know her... watch out and don't get yourself hurt.

Some Mandy can not be trusted

by Mandy G May 10, 2020


one direction obsessed. very sweet and always replies quickly. listens to you very well and is incredibly funny

person 1: "look, it's mandy <3"
person 2: "ah, isn't she obsessed with one direction?"

person 1: "she is!"

by coolcooliloveyou November 20, 2021


Mandy could prob qual to be my mom shoota

Im speaking to my mandy

by Poopy cock butt January 22, 2022


Australian street term for the citrus fruit 'mandarin'.

Mate 1: Want a mandy?
Mate 2: Nah, I've already popped a few today.

by Jamarley September 17, 2019


Mandy is een stommie

Timo: 'Mandy je bent een stommie'
Mandy: 'Dat is niet lief'

by Timorfine November 21, 2021


Another name for a Karen

Mandy is a Karen, Ron!

by BlackMesaScientistBubby September 8, 2020