Source Code

Put the Mayonnaise in the Backpack

(v) When hooking up with a Sandwich artist from Subway or Quizno’s or any other sandwich making establishment, and the male put his mayonnaise (jizz) into the sandwich artist’s backpack (rectum).

Sara from Subway: Hey Tina, Jake, from State Farm, came over to get a sandwich during lunch.
Tina from Subway: Oh yeah, how was that?
S: Well, he was wearing these awesome khakis so I took him in the back room and we hooked up.
T: What?! Are you on the pill?!
S: No, so I had him put the mayonnaise in the backpack.
T: Oh I love mayonnaise!

by HotpantsPoptarts October 17, 2016

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Banana and Mayonnaise

Referring to a former badass Defensive Lineman from the Cleveland Browns.

Whatchu know about the Banana and Mayonnaise

by Stredball22 January 13, 2009

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brokeback mayonnaise

1. One who regularly consumes brokeback mayonnaise
2. See also Dirty Eskimo and Gay -Ka-Bob

That NikG is such a Dirty Eskimo, and he sure loves that brokeback mayonnaise all over his face!

by Society for no more gay NikGs August 18, 2006

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wide mouth mayonnaise jar

Wide mouth mayonnaise jar--The term used to describe the anus of an x-con.

The Dr. wanted to know how long I had been out when he said my asshole looked like a wide mouth mayonnaise jar!

by vernon dutton January 22, 2004

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blood engorged mayonnaise cannon

(n) Penis; male mammal reproduction organ, also used to expell urine.

He was thumping his blood engorged mayonaise cannon for the majority of the night.

by Meach January 9, 2005

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knuckle sandwich with extra mayonnaise

After dropping a load in a woman's mouth, make her spit it out into your hand, then slap the shit out of her with it.

When Beth kept complaining about being hungry, I fed her a knuckle sandwich with extra mayonnaise and it took care of both the hunger and the complaining.

by saltynutbag February 20, 2010

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one-eyed mayonnaise launcher

(n.) Same as penis or dick.

Say, Doctor, I've been having an itch in the area of my one-eyed mayonnaise launcher. Might you have a look at it please?

by Robert E. Porter July 11, 2007

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