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Melvin is a loving guy. He is very smart and his smile is to love and die for. He gets in Trouble a lot but that don’t get him down. Sometimes girls fight over him. He loves joking around with people that likes him but he doesn’t like her. Some people say girls be on his meat everyday but it don’t really get to him. He’s good at basketball and football. He carry his team everyday and people get mad and hate on him. Melvin is a bad bitch getter. But, get on his nerves he will be dangerous at that point.

1: Jacob is so Melvin
2: Chill, chill, chill your totally being an Melvin

by YungHandlejuice May 11, 2019


The nerdiest name to ever fucking exist. Also the funniest name to ever exist.

Joey: who's that guy sitting alone at the lunch table?

Bobby: oh that's just melvin

by xxgamermanxx420xd July 4, 2022


Nefarious dude who has no trouble getting women and can put up a more than fair fight he will break your neck if you get close and will always protect his honor

He’s crazy as hell and hella funny he must be a Melvin!

by xGremlxn November 20, 2023


The blending of the names of Melissa and Kevin. The best couple on Earth. Real ride or die Bonnie and Clyde type.

"I cant wait to celebrate Melvin at their wedding.

by LocalLinda March 22, 2024


No matter how beautiful a woman is or how good in bed she is there will always be that one guy who's sick of her shit

Once you get to know her
Melissa turns out to be quite a Melvin.

by Philth13 January 30, 2023


Melvin is a name for a big boy. It's from the Swedish word mellan, wich means between.

"Look! That's probably a Melvin!

by You'r real name February 26, 2019


Melvin is the sweetest boy ever but is commonly misjudged by girls who do not know him as well as they think. Girls will do anything to keep a Melvin. He doesn't like football that much but looooooooves video games. Melvin likes a peng girl, but one reason for that is the people he hangs out with because they are the 'roadman' type who make him think he has to be like that. He is likely to be part of a gang but not tell you that.

"who's that guy there?"
"he's a nice one you know"

by A〰Girl〽no bs June 8, 2019