The Taurus alignment with the Orion constellation created a sliver of time in which the name Miranda was born. People with the name Miranda are often associated with aggressive and uncomfortable behavior, likely due the intensive adaptive radiation those folks were put through on their descension down to Earth from the star dust of Uranus.
Miranda is mean.
Miranda is a name that always is typically a French girl, though it can be someone else completely. Not a common name. Seems to be a name that is typically someone who thinks to big about themselves. Though this is not the case for everyone named this way. Possibly supportive of LGBTQ and maybe apart of it.
NOT EVERY MIRANDA IS FRENCH OF BIG HEADED! Don't think of them as the usual stereotypical 'Miranda'.
when googled it says.
“You're suchhhh a Miranda,” says a woman to another woman, hoping to destroy her self confidence. ... If they're calling me a Miranda, that means I'm a chinless, masculine bookworm with a knack for being mistaken for a lesbian.
Drunk fat oink oink vapemaster with 16 kids, but only knows of 2
Goes through cars even faster than she goes through a box of Oreo cookies
Favorite flavor of popsicle is Budweiser, her kids are more mature than she is
Past times include blowing smoke in the faces of infants and complaining about children not sharing their one-seater
Probably causes earthquakes when she farts and lives with her parents rent free, resulting in the youngest child losing all of their hard-earned money
Oh also the chick from iCarly after 10 pizzas per meal
Miranda wrecked her car for the fourth time this month.
Miranda, you ate the cat you fat pig!
Someone who likes animals and little kids, she is great with both and they are so energetic and love people, but they also have some problems of their own and they will listen to other peoples problems instead of talking about there own, so if you know a Miranda then try to get them to talk about how they feel and trust them.
Verb meaning to eat mandarine in a public place after commiting a felony
I love to miranda at the park.
Seemingly intelligent, motherly looking type, appears devoted to those around her, who over time (so long as you have not been trapped in her snare and brain washed into falling for her,) you will begin to see the manipulitve, conniving, step on anyone who gets in her way she-beast who she really is. She has no real "girlfriends" only partners in crime,
and those who fail to see that they are being viley used for her come ups will end up paying for their crimes, as well as hers. Those sad souls who have been trapped are doomed to a life of repeated let downs, heartache, and in the end after many have been scarred mentally & emotionally there will be only few who can withstand the abuse unleashed upon them, all of who will in fact be males.
Beware boys & girls of the maniacal Miranda seeking to use your kindness to eat your soul...
A lying hoe who will cheat on you on chrsitmas day and break up with you for some pinocio looking motherfucker
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