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Mowing the lawn with your teeth while your teammates play soccer

This is a sex act in which a male performs cunnilingus on a girl who has not shaved in a while, meanwhile, one or more people play with his balls.

John: Hey Brady, how’d you like to go to an orgy this weekend?
Brady: No way bro!
John: Are you sure? Haven’t you ever wanted to try mowing the lawn with your teeth while your teammates play soccer?
Brady: Hmmm, this weekend you say?

by Kuul June 21, 2020

Mow Trainer

Another word for boner.

Being gay, gay-man McJinsen got a mow trainer from looking at the nude boys.

by Tallen Harris February 5, 2008


Japanese ritual of "cuddling" with a lawn after mowing it. You first mow it, the you mowe it.

Said to stem from the Emperor Jemma's praise Amaterasu, the sun godess who is said to be connected in direct bloodline with Emperor Jemma. The tradition was founded around 660 BC and has evolved into a personal form of meditation since the Meiji Restoration in 1867.

Person1 "Imma mow that lawn, then I'm gonna mowe it. "
Person2 "Dope"
Person 3 "


by Japanese expert 123 June 14, 2018

Mowed down by the screws


Popularized very briefly by Archie Bunker.

Lester got mowed down by the screws at Occupy Wall Street today.

by LightninRon November 8, 2011


Any yard work performed with the promise of oral sex as compensation

Joe: "How much did you earn doing yard work today son"
Billy: "Only $20, but I was orally abused by the lady in the house down at the end of the street."
Joe: "Ah, nothing like the summer mow-job"

by samweis August 24, 2011

mow my hay

eat my ass

oh mow my hay, john

by smiths1982 December 11, 2020

Dick Mowing

Simultaneously cock blocking 3 or more men at the same time.

Bro, you were dick mowing us in that bar with that one chick

by Gentiles July 30, 2023