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master musty kinnie

this is someone who kins the master of the mustiest of musts
or tectone

this guy
this fella right

is the mustiest person on earth

must check
teccietone right there

"is he serioulsy a master musty kinnie"
"yeah.. kinda musty.. kinda leave him dead alone in a ditch and wait for the rats to eat his face off.. kinda musty..."

by mortenkinniesurvivor January 11, 2022


Similar to the ONJ(jee) one however Musty is known as the "mystical one" the title going against Jee's "magical one". Both are from the same lore/universe but ONM has a deeper meaning. Unlike ONG you're swearing on the mystical one himself. But you're also swearing on his WD40. Musty uses WD40 as a form of moisturizer. This is usually followed with the gif "ONM(musty)" gif which consists of WD40.

Person A: "Bro icl, you could be lyin so hard rn."

Person B "Trust, ONM(musty) im not lying."

by August 17, 2024