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L bozo

you couldn't think of anything else? wow I feel sorry for you you wanna be v1nce cuh

me: hey your father died!

Other guy: L bozo

by LOGANBOIIIII October 7, 2022

L Bozo

a term used to describe someone who is simply acting in a stupid manner or is perhaps just agitating you. They are constantly taking an L (loss) and acting like a bozo.

Person 1: “Will just broke his leg walking down the stairs

Person 2: “L Bozo”

by Squid254!!! May 20, 2022

L bozo

This is a human being who is just a loser. For example, this person is just a cringy uncultured being.

Person: Wanna study?
Me: L bozo us cool kids don't study

by coolkidthatiscool May 24, 2022

Bozo Cake

A total dorkasaurus rex. Mid at best. Usually goes by the name of Colin

Listen bozo cakes, I'm not folding my laundry bc I'm mad gaming

by Bozocake January 3, 2022

Midget bozo

A small person who is a loser and has no life.

Your so short midget bozo

by TheWhomDestroyer December 24, 2021

zombie bozo

When someone is such a bozo that you have to call them a zombie bozo.

You are such a zombie bozo you absolute bozo!

by ThatLastPizzaSlice November 5, 2022

bozo clown shoes

Someone who fights alongside every trendy social media issue, but only shares memes for social clout and doesn’t actually do anything.

That bozo clown shoes is calling me racist for not sharing #BLM memes

by Mr sparkle March 6, 2023