Source Code


The; The the the the the; When the; the Sapper! Sapper! Sapper! Sapper!

Did you just say you liked JSAB? What are you, a SAP?

by nnnyan March 3, 2021


Stands for “suck a penis.”

Go SAP you daft mug.

by Gilbert007 December 30, 2020


Suck a pilly

Umut you fat cunt SAP

by Vindar YOU KNOW July 17, 2021


3 sips and a half

Can I get a sap?

by Chanel7 April 10, 2019


Sour ass Pussy.

You can tell by the way that she walk, she got that SAP.

by BreckTown USA August 12, 2020


The Self Appointed Police, used as a derogatory term for those jackass toxic people on Twitter who think they can control popular people in the media

God, the saps are at it again.

The saps canceled that actor for no reason.

by Dinatins November 22, 2021


sudden ass pain

kait has sap. pass it on.

by sibbon May 8, 2020