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seat treats

When the seats in a vehicle have the option of being heated through some switch on the center console or dashboard. Usually found in more expensive car models and largely appreciated by people who live in colder climates.

Person #1: What kind of car should we rent when we go skiing in Colorado?

Person #2: Definitely one that has seat treats!

by seraph2010 August 29, 2010

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Yeet in the seat

1) When the seat is yeeting too hard and you just got to get up.

2) An expression used to show how much something sucks. The yeet didn’t even get up from the seat.

β€œI’m about to fail my math test.”
β€œThat’s a yeet in the seat”

by Apersoncontributingtosociety May 2, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

My seat

Sheldon's spot is the position on the couch he has claimed as his own, putting it in a "state of eternal dibs". Sheldon has described his spot as the "single point of consistency" in an ever changing world. Sheldon has said that if his life were expressed as a function in a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, his spot, when he first sat on it, would be "0,0,0,0" ( The Cushion Saturation ).

That's my seat

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd November 15, 2019

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hump seat

middle seat in the back of a car

Not bitch.. no way in hell i'm sitting in the hump seat again

by Dawn July 13, 2002

12πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

seat sniffer

Synonymous with: ass-kisser, dickweed, pendejo. (among others)

Why does Beauregard insist on being such a seat-sniffer?

by Benjamino December 23, 2003

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back seat

A term used to reference a person's butt, particularly a woman's butt.

I'd love to be the thong in that back seat.

by mangus May 24, 2004

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front-seat back-seat dilemma

The inability to decide which seat to take due to the quantity of friends both "kickin' in the front seat" and "sittin' in the back seat." Characterized by indecision and anxiety as the individual has "gotta make their mind up."

A largely ignored condition until early 2011, the "front-seat back-seat dilemma" was widely publicized upon the advent of Rebecca Black's viral single "Friday."

Friend 1 (From the front seat): "Why won't Tim get in the car? I have a dermatologist appointment in 5 minutes!"

Friend 2 (From the back seat): "Dude, give him a break. He's suffering a front-seat back-seat dilemma. Everyone's been there once."

by Word Bendo March 27, 2011

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