Basically a one hit wonder rapper that blew up over the pandemic
Once the pandemic is over they’re irrelevant and fell off
Person 1:Yo what happened to popp hunna?
Person 2:He’s a covid rapper
An unkept, greasy set of facial hair brought on by isolation during the self quarantine phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Did you guys see Garrett yesterday on that zoom chat? His COVID beard was repulsive.
Covid Spelunker
A male that has been cooped up too long during his Covid-19 lockdown and begins exploring for new holes and openings in which he may insert his already worn genitalia to get off and pass the time.
The lockdown was so long I became a covid spelunker. I was fucking any hole I could explore. I took a door handle off, I found a pipe in the garage, a milk jug. I was desperate.
To be deceived into thinking a mask-wearing chick is hot because she's blown her entire giro on eye make-up, then discover that her face looks like a crow's armpit.
"I copped a Covid Catfish. Her eyes were lush but the mask hid a face that a mother couldn't love."
When the Comander-in-Chief welcomes Covid into his house and lets it take over the place.
The Covid-in-Chief has told everyone not to fear Coronavirus.
(noun) - A person who cheers on the coronavirus and hopes for as many dead people as possible. This became an unlikely entity to cheer for however everyone likes a winner 😉 and the ability to turn pain into political issues. While this may at 1st make a person appear to be callous or cold, it underscores a person's exacting standards regarding winning. #winning
Note - The only thing more undefeated in the history of the world than COVUD-19 is pussy.
You know, I've kind of become COVID cheerleader now that it looks like its gonna be here for a while.