1. Sci-fi movie/book about a retro-ish gang leader who after beating people up, raping, stealing, etc, is taken to prison where he later is chosen to participate in a "special treatment" program to "cure" him.
2. Also, a term used in the CWO book to describe a person who is perfectly moral, nonviolent, etc; but has no free will.
Clockwork Orange is the best movie ever.
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It is called Agent Orange, not Asian Orange.
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N. The urge to have sex with an Oompa Loompa
Dude, Oompa Loompa Doompity doo, I've got some Orange Balls for you.
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Orange Muffin can mean whatever you like.
"He is SO orange muffin!"
"It's really orange muffin of you to bring that up at a time like this."
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People who epically fail at tanning. Spray on tans.
Those who look like they could be oompa loompas.
It's believed that they cry orange juice. But in a recent study, it's found that they actually cry Sunny D; Fake orange juice. All the more better.
(If you want to see for yourself, just try to teach an orange girl simple addition and then watch the citrus rain)
Oh no, look at the orange people. One of them is crying....
Does anyone have a cup?
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One of the best books ever written. The book is about a young man named Alex who is a hoodlum and he and his friends get off on tormenting and raping people. One night Alex's friends betray him after he's killed some old woman and Alex is caught and put in jail. The government comes up with a rehab program that Alex volunteers for and it turns Alex against everything he loved before, including the works of Beethoven.
The book is written mainly in a language called "Nadsat" ("teen" in Russian) which comprises of people, mainly teenagers using Russian words in otherwise English sentances. Most of the copies of the book come with a glossary in the back, however, you can usually understand what a word means by the context it is used in.
A Clockwork Orange is a very graphic and violent book, but it does teach the reader very important lessons about themselves and about life.
Stanly Kubrick made A Clockwork Orange into a movie that was released in 1971 and was promptly banned in several countries as it was viewed as too violent. There's a scene in the movie that was cut out because it was too violent and also a chapter in the book that was cut out for the same reason. However, now you can get copies of the orginal book and I have heard rumors that you can download the original movie version.
A Clockwork Orange can be brought up during a conversation with your peers or teachers in order to make them think you're smart.
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God eats orange chicken on special occasions only.
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