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The act of impeaching the Pope by taking his Pope hat, pimp slapping him, and yelling "WHO'S THE POPE NOW BIOTCH"

Hey! He sexed a woman instead of a little boy, it's time to De-Pope his ass!

by Rowan187 December 11, 2008

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Strangling the Pope

This is an unconventional grip that one uses on his penis. Usually done when drunk and standing at the urnal in a bar. It is a strong pinch with the fore finger and the thumb just where the head meets the shaft.

In a drunken rage Dugan chased people around the bathroom while strangling the pope and threatened to piss on everyone.

by Can't kill a man born to hang! April 13, 2009

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pope hat

A wide collection of pointy "hats" worn by the pontiff himself. The collection ranges from Star Wars pope hats to Oprah Pope Hats. He wears any pope hat on a given day depending on his mood.

"Dude, is that Geraldo Rivera Pope Hat fucking sweet?"!

by Anonymous July 8, 2003

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Pope Francis

The Dopest Pope that ever lived

β€œWoah look! It’s Pope Francis! He’s Dope.”

by Leroy Was Here February 28, 2020

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blue pope

to choke yourself while masturbating and not letting go until you have climaxed

i was felling depressed and horny at the same time last night, so i had a blue pope.

by haha fucker! August 1, 2005

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pope juice

what makes the pope an O.G.

look what he`s got:

-pimp hat
-pimp cane
-pimp chalice
-pimp throne
-pimp white tee

werrdd (of god.)

PJPII is pimp juicin` wit dat pimp cane.

by PJPIIOG April 9, 2005

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Pope (verb)

The Pope is well known for sitting around the Basilica in his Pope-hat, drooling all over himself and mumbling incoherently in Latin. To me, that sounds like my weekends. So, to Pope is synonmous with relaxing, "chilling", "gellin'", etc.

So, I was Popin' with my homenuggets the other day, when I had this great idea for a new kind of cream-filled pastery.

by caru March 19, 2005

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