When one person has so many bitches you have no choice but to follow behind them
Who else can we trust besides rizztimus prime
The leader of all the thots(that hoe over there); she knows anything and everything about you or your friends. i'd be careful if i was you if you get close to her you might turn into a thot. Don't question this she is the leader of all thots she is capable of lot of shit.
if you're looking for a one night stand go to Thotimus Prime she'll hook you up.
When KSI becomes so zesty like Adolf Hitler and started cutely gassing all of the Jews that they rename his prime flavor to prime zestfest
Yo, have you tried prime zestfest yet?
Major thot. Much like a thotimus prime, varying only in degree of thot. Thoticus is to thotimus as 1000 is to 100.
My thot sensor is off the charts.. must be a thoticus prime nearby.
Just a person who likes hockey a lot and supports the leafs, and doesn’t talk a lot, mostly a chill person.
Carlton Prime always loves hockey and plays it, and would die for it
A primed cannon is when a man's penis is erect and sticking out of the fly/waistband of his underwear/pants, but his balls are not. Can almost be considered the opposite of pitching a tent.
The primed cannon sticks out of the ship, but the balls and seamen are safely stowed inside.
"My dad walked in on me in the bathroom this morning."
"Agh, gross."
"What's even worse is he didn't seem to notice his morning wood was a primed cannon..."
Prime of life is the mature adulthood, perhaps between 35 and 45.
Astronauts are usually chosen from people who are in the prime of life.