The act of taking one's virginity.
"Oh she got Red Rammed? Danm, how bad?"
"I Red Rammed the shit out of her!"
Forcibly sharing a secret with an unwilling person.
Ugh Jenny is such a drag, she's always penis ramming me at parties with her Amsterdam secrets.
my 4 yr old son taking a pee this was a word that he made to this world on 11/06/2l009 shram the ram. remember to always love your childeren. oxoxoxo
A slang term used for female masturbation, esp. when using a sex toy such as a vibrator.
Dude, I accidentally walked in on my sister ramming the clam last night. I'm going to be having nightmares for months.
Usually a term used in construction to describe a carless huried job.
Ya that dude broke this window because he just fucking RAM rodded the shit.
it should do the trick
A Gigabyte of RAM should do the trick.
A cheeky guy with an amorous love of wires.
A boy scout at heart, he is obsessed with his saxophone being 'bigger than others', and his plethora of bad jokes.
"Have you met Noah Ram?"
"What, Isaac's boyfriend?"
"Yeaaaah, that's the guy"
"I saw him sniffing wires once. Weird"