Loves men and can’t stop sucking dock. He is gay and homophobic at the same time. Super annoying and never gives a fuck. Always wants to have sex with men and sexually harassed his hockey team. He loves someone named Dylan.
Stop being like Reed
He is a incredible boy. Very kind and loving, and the best companion in life. He is the glue to my sandwich.
The most sexiest boy ever. The dopest motherfucker. When you see a him butt naked in your kitchen makin bacon thats a REAL man. When hes in the shower wearing your girlfriends robe thats a a true reed. When you see him eating yout girlfrieds baby daddy brothers ex girlfriend’s ass thats Reed. If he has a husky slightly cracking voice constantly making you uncertain about your sexuality (male or female) thats reed.
“Check that old man with his dick in a box”
“Oh thats just reed”
Very good looking, Funny, Charming and usually musically gifted. If you ever come across a Reed make sure to say hi or give him your number.
Person A: hey is your name reed?
Person B: yeah why?
Person A:Here’s my number
Literally the sexiest thing alive, he has the biggest ding dong in the world and absolutely destroys girls with it.
I was sleeping with Reed last night, I have to use a wheelchair now
Constantly complaining about literally everything.
I know its monday, but why dobyou always have to be such a reed
One who constantly complaints about anything going on.
Stop bitchin about it, why you gotta be such a reed.