Character from Shadowhunters the series
We call him "Pferdeschwanzheini"
Pferdeschwanzheini = ponytail heini (heini is a random word for dude or guy)
me: Did you see Pferdeschwanzheini in the episode last night?
other fan: (confused look) Who is Pferdeschwanzheini?
me: Ouuuuh thats Lorenzo Rey
A very stingy teacher and Rey sounds like Ray, thus the name 'Sting Rey.' He's sometimes funny, but the assignments he gives during values class are...dkfjofjifjrifjrifjifjdksosjeowjlasmidnd😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Sting Rey is one of my favorite teachers but he's scary sometimes."
Father of Jessie Morejon and has YouTube channel with 7 subscribers. his channel includes videos of his son, and
is that the famous rey morejon?
Juen Rey created the whole universe
“I worship Juen Rey forever”says the wisest person in the world
Sexy man with big dick. Such a cool guy. Great kisser. Animal in the sheets
Bruh I can’t wait to rail that guy Jaime Reis.
a cute pornhub femboy, who I would enjoy sucking
yeah dude I just busted a fat load watching rei emi