Source Code

salt and pepper


give me salt and pepper daniel im making food

by cat schlatt May 28, 2020

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salt nigger

A pejorative referring to Mormons. Much as Seminole Indians were derogatorily called "swamp niggers," and Middle Easterners are derogatorily called "sand niggers," the term "salt nigger" combines the abusive term "nigger" to "salt," since Salt Lake City is a cultural and religious center for Mormons.

Speaker 1: "When that Mormon isn't bashing gays or pushing his book door-to-door, he's keeping his three wives down."

Speaker 2: "Yeah, he's a salt nigger alright."

by jschurnmeister April 13, 2009

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dick salt

the sweaty substance that develops on a males penis

Jodi licked the dick salt off off my dickhole.

by jiff9 October 20, 2010

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salted zebruh

a bi-racial rap group that spits hot fire; consisting of one rapper and one hype woman.
look out for their mixtape, dropping in 09

Hey buddy, have you heard about salted zebruh? Those gals are hot fire.

Why yes, at the party last night, everyone was cranking that hungry zebruh. They truly are hip-hop.

by sugar cookie getter February 16, 2009

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Salt Nazi

A person exhibiting an extremely irrational hatred toward salt. Despite the fact that salt is a daily requirement of the human body, a Salt Nazi believes that salt as an unnecessary evil that should be eradicated. Whatever you do, DO NOT ask a Salt Nazi to put salt in any food he/she is preparing.
Aaron is a real Salt Nazi. He yelled at me because I asked him to put a little salt in his bland soup.

He is a real Salt Nazi. He yelled at me because I asked him to put a little salt in his bland soup.

by kops501 February 20, 2010

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salt and peppered

dissed, powned.
worst than salty. humiliated.

carlos: i love me new haircut!
billy: really? looks like a chewbacca died on your head!


by Chillz May 30, 2008

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Salt Break

When one has an activity pertaining to salt, one must take a salt break to complete said task. Similar to rice break.

Carrying a large 40 pound (18.143695 KG) bag of salt down to ones basement door, or adding a pinch of said salt to some rather tasteless green beans, or even salting an icy road as to not slip and die all require salt breaks.

In the winter, and particularly around tasteless foods, one must have quite a few more salt breaks.

by Noah Anderson December 27, 2006

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