Source Code

awkward squid

Much like the awkward turtle, the awkward squid is performed during an awkward moment. It is done by placing the tips of the fingers of the right hand on the back of the left hand. The fingers of the left hand then contract like a squid's tentacles and the hands are brought back together three times.

Person 1: Dude, last night was awesome, I got so trashed.
Person 2: Yeah man, me too.
Person 3 enters: Well, I just ate my own poop.
Person 1 & 2: ... (awkward squid is performed)

by Eric Wu May 16, 2007

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Squid Roe

A popular club in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Lots of booze, girls, and minimal creepers. There's an announcer guy who hollers at girls all night, who is a complete tool.

Let's check out Squid Roe tonight after we ditch all the high school girls from the Gigglin' Marlin.

by dgaf partier March 30, 2009

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wet squid

Another word for pussy or vigina

Man you're a wet squid!

by Claywell March 26, 2007

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Squid Boy

Noun A term for any socially inept bastard who fails to recognize when a girl wants on his cock.

Girl 1: *crying* He so does not want me!

Girl 2: Don't worry Madeline, he's just a Squid Boy. In reality, he would tap that 24/7.

by nole-town April 13, 2010

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poke squid

Hawaiian slang for sexual intercourse

dey fell in love. den dey wen poke squid and nine months later...

by Haole Boy August 13, 2003

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Squid Gamer

A slur for Asians specifically, based off of the hit Netflix series β€œSquid Game”. A β€œSquid Gamer” is a poor, selfish, Asian, like the ones in the series.

β€œHe’s such a squid gamer”
β€œStupid squid gamer”
β€œDirty squid gamer”

by NotARacist888 November 20, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

squid grip

The act of attaching oneself to an object or person, much like an octopus or squid using the suckers on their tentacles.

"Aren't you gonna get Dave to stop hugging that girl?"
"Nah man, he's squid gripped her, we'll never get him off."

by Thewalis December 27, 2013