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Blowing air between the testicles of your partner. The male version of a motorboat.

Tom loves it when I am submarining while jerking him off.

by Korrz November 2, 2023


When you motorboat someone's ass cheeks making a sound reminiscent of an angry Richard Nixon.

I motorboated her, but she wanted more, so I plunged down below because she needed some submarining.

by kinkybabysteps April 3, 2024

Submarine Muslim

A Muslim who converts to or practices Islam without revealing their conversion or Islamic faith. They practice Islam in secret - sometimes not even telling their own family members. Reasons for this behaviour includes not wanting to be discriminated against; avoiding the drama associated with Islam's stance on homosexuality / Palestine etc; avoiding fallout issues with family members and friends.

Joe is a submarine Muslim, you won't see him wearing a thobe

by Moderately Concerned June 20, 2023

Human Submarine

1.(adjective) A pregnant woman swimming

240000000000: (noun) a submarine made of human flesh

e human submarine 3023ur90uw983rh8i3wn4rij283u5823jh8u42390urn80u23hr834j8rnwuerbyw4b fhvbdriuefg8ye4rhf834gr89ybryg8y34vbr9ervbireb

by amogusrule34 July 24, 2021

The Yellow Submarine

When you smoke weed out of your asshole, lighting and inhaling the weed through your asshole, while a girl sucks you off and you exhale the smoke through your penis, so she can therefore get high as well.

"I hate my life." "Hey, don't be sad. lets " The Yellow Submarine" our problems away. Got any weed left?" "Hell yes"

by Cell: Y+B Vanish= HELLOOO-DBFZ March 29, 2018

Submarine Hunting

When you go on the high diving board of a pool and drop dildos on your friends who are swimming.

"I broke my mom's dildo because I went submarine hunting with my friends."

by popkxw May 5, 2024

Submarine gay

A person who is undetectably gay but pops up and shows themselves occasionally.

John is such a submarine gay, he only comes out in the George.

by Kingdomman February 17, 2016