Source Code

Public Bathrooms

The most under maintained appliance in the world

Public bathrooms should never exist

by bakfjeidfjhgjriedfjgnjrkerjfhg April 13, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

public housin

To show authority in your own house

Cuz I'm public housin. I am public housin in this bitch

by call me blue May 20, 2016

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

public school

A superior type of English school reserved for the wealthy and upper classes.

Such schools include:

Eton College
Radley College
Harrow School
Charterhouse School
Winchester College

"public school boy wins the lottery"

by King James I February 3, 2007

34πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Public Forum

Often referred to as PF by real debaters, this joke of a debate is for those who lack the intellect and intelligence to do Lincoln-Douglas (LD) or policy debate (CX). Public Forum is centered on current events, and is not focused on debate, rather speaking casually without actually learning anything. The team who wins is the team who can sound more like an idiot for the judge. Public Forum has no complex arguments like Topicality, Theory, Disads, K's, or CP's. The only three worse things are Congress, Parliament, and... Novice Public Forum.

"Dude, I just qualified for nationals in Public Forum!"
"Yeah, and I've never even debated before!"

"Wow, that Novice Public Forum round was intense!"

"I'm such a persuasive debater in Public Forum, I can show you why oil spills cause fish to die!"
- Actual Public Forum guy

by SuperCapitalist October 4, 2010

86πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž

public hair

pubic hair made known to the public

Some guy ran by and pulled mike's pants down and out unfurled a thicket of angry public hair.

by maximarsergee February 1, 2010

9πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Public school

Public school is hell, private school kids are blessed. Public school doesn’t purify their water, there’s always hair in your food, and you can never get a decent teacher.

β€œYou have to go to public school this year? That sucks man”

by MentallyIllCheck January 8, 2020

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

public school

a misunderstood type of school system. Incorrectly assumed to be the worst, however they are just as good as private schools. Some leaders of industry hail from a public school. Majority of public school students are actually good citizens, but are overlooked.

Public school Student: I come from a public school.
Private School student: I pity you.
Public school Student: Nah, you shouldn't. My school is actually good. It has enabled us to grow a sense of camaraderie.

by ColonelSummers March 8, 2020

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž