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fresh to death

a term used to describe something that is so good it is inexplainable.

my goodness, that is fresh to death my negro brederin!

by bob the PIMP June 22, 2004

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Twisty Fresh

Twisty fresh, sometimes known as Twisty Fresh Nips is used to describe freshly twisted nipples. Usually swollen,

Hard and sensitive .

My nipples were Twisty Fresh from last night.

by Kitten Key September 3, 2018

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microwave fresh

The bringing back to life of food preiviusly thought to have no longer been edieble. Happining thru magic the microwave usees its powers to bring food back to a point where one feel foods can be eaten usually working on things such as breads and pizza.

"We had bread in the house?"

"yeah found it under the couch"


"naww its microwave fresh"

by J.A.S.O.N. October 6, 2008

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Natty Fresh

Gangster ass mo fucker that will google map your bitch azz

I work with a real Natty Fresh

by Tdizzle87 August 14, 2012

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pine fresh

A term to describe a new thought line to address a solution to a deeply seeded sociopolitical issue. One that is aligned with progressive thought and attempts to breathe new life into everyone around it.

Oh - he’s the Pope and said it’s ok to be gay? If he means it, that’s so pine fresh.

by Justzisguyyaknow March 26, 2021

fresh skeeze

A tight, new, fresh haircut.

Damn bro, you got that fresh skeeze.

by Natoli2121 March 16, 2017

Squinty fresh

The aftermath of smelling the aroma of something vile. It's so bad that it makes you squint your eyes in disgust.

Joe: Damn bro! What's that rank smell?

Mike: I don't know man, but that's.. wow, that's squinty fresh.

by AzzaCadabra June 8, 2010