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cancel cancel

A term used to cancel out a negative or hurtful statement that you don’t want to really happen.

Amber might over do it with her botox injections and permanently fuck up her face, cancel cancel.

by 19munoz77 September 3, 2024

Cancel Culture Brainrot

The idea that cancel culture is justice. People who show these signs will cancel people for saying anything even if it is minuscule and the person they are trying to cancel has not actually committed a crime. The idea of cancel culture thrives on hate and not justice bringing people who are both hateful and sensitive to the topic.

This person thinks cancel culture is always right and they do not check their facts before trying to cancel someone. They have Cancel Culture Brainrot

by razztism December 2, 2024

cancel the juniors

v. Throw in the towel ; give in to the inevitable.


Captain Kenney! The water is pouring in everywhere and rabid rats are devouring the crew. Can we abandon ship? It’s the only intelligent action.

Full speed ahead. I am not about to cancel the juniors.

by gnostic3 December 29, 2022

Cancel Scared

People who have turned into robots because they are scared to speak lest they get canceled, making the usual red carpet interviews particularly boring, despite the alcohol and starvation for the event.

Natalie Portman and Amanda Seyfried are so boring in interviews.

Nah, they're just cancel scared. Jennifer Lawrence said whatever popped into her brain and then had to disappear for five years.

by mgg January 13, 2024

cancel gyms

A term used by 300-pound individuals who claim they are "healthy fat people", who think gyms are fatphobic. In reality, they just use it as an excuse to eat Nikocado-tier Mukbangs every day.

Me: Man I want an 8-pack.
Fat girl: Omg, I can't believe it, cancel gyms!

by Deadboydoor517 February 18, 2023

Cross Cancelling

When your balls cross together and form a knot and they fall off due to no blood.

Did you hear Jason has cross cancelling?

by Polyhedra October 21, 2022

Cross Cancelling

when you accidently cross your balls in a knot and they fall off.

Hear about Jason's cross cancelling?

by Polyhedra October 21, 2022