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Banana Farmer

A gay male or straight female prostitute or slut. The term derives from the resemblance of bananas (fruit) to penises (organ). Banana farmers nurture their crop, taking care so they grow plump and healthy. They collect good profit when they are finished. A well trained banana farmer is guaranteed to leave their customers satisfied.

Your mom is such a banana farmer. She was in my dad's bed last night, and my brother's this morning!

by Pmsyenuod May 26, 2009

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Armoured Farmer

Armoured Farmer, in reference to both the stereotype that all Cornish born men are all farmers at heart, and the Royal Armoured Corps (RAC) of the British Army. Any Cornishman that joins 2nd Royal Tank Regiment (2RTR) will be known as an 'Armoured Farmer'. This is due to the tank being a substitute for his tractor. The term is only really used in reference to any ex-3RTR and currently serving 2RTR soldiers. Officers are seen as far to educated to be considered farmers.

Para: Oi Tankie! where u from?
Tankie: Cornwall mate... why?
Para: *in best westcountry accent* 'Cos you be an Armoured Farmer OOH ARGH!

by Cornish April 14, 2007

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farmer hankey

the act of intentionally placing a finger over one nostril and blowing your nose with nothing to catch what is ejected.

Man is that gross! He just farmer hankey'ed and it's all over the ground!

by Jeff Ross July 12, 2005

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nougat farmer

someone who gets their car painted in a AMC parking lot. A person (Matt F) who is a compleat n00b.

by Krystyna September 25, 2003

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alfalfa farmer

A rural person in the city for a bit of action.

That alfalfa farmer was just cruising for a BJ, didn't matter if he found a man or a woman or what.

by SixFingerSalute March 22, 2006

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farmer john

The act of blowing mucus/snot out of your nose by pinching one nostirl and exhaling violently out of the other nostril. Aka snot rocket.

I didn't have any tissues so I just gave it the old farmer john right on the sidewalk.

by Jeb Eastwood March 22, 2008

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cock farmer

Someone who cultivates cock for the purpose of feeding him or herself

by Anonymous October 4, 2003

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