Source Code

Vital Signs

adj. See gay

Your such a Vital Sign!

by Kingpin March 20, 2003

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sign of the cross

Otherwise known as a 'signum crucis'

An act immediately following a pearl necklace, by which the male will immediately dip his thumb into the pool of cum, and proceed to draw a sign of the cross over the recievers face, whilst uttering the words 'bless you, my child'

I felt the the wrath of god in my loins after spilling my seed over her, so I made up for it with a quick sign of the cross.

by Ted Haggard June 18, 2008

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fire sign

why bother doing anything if it's not for fun lmao?

Friend: "Oh my god, she's such a fire sign! She doesn't do anything if it's not fun!"
Other friend: "Yeah, more people should be like her..."

by ioolian February 2, 2019

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The birdie sign

After a hard nite on the dance floor and a trip home with whore/male slut get out before the birds begin to sing! The birds usually appear around 600am in Holyland area of belfast

β€œβ€¦if you don’t leave before the birds begin to sing, you have to lay all day with this minger, you meet the house mates, eat breakfast, snuggle all day, arrange another date, leave with a kiss and inherit an STI…..”

QUOTE FROM: C.Pell (2005) Steps towards casual and uncommitted sex. Hormone Research Paper. Queens University Belfast.

go on the rip, get loaded, put beer goggles on and fancy a bit of lovin!

by ostrich one May 20, 2005

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stop sign

A.K.A. a crunch wrap supreme from tacobell

named this because of its resemblance to a stop sign

im in the mood for a stop sign

by bestofthebest January 1, 2011

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Signing Off

This is someone's favorite catchphrase
This is what he believes will help him get to space

Aaron: I am going to be signing off!
European: you are my idol and yh Aaron Thomas signing off!!!

by UncleDaddy_XD_LOL December 30, 2020

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sign of the cross

in the name of the father, (jah)
the son, (juice wrld)
and the holy spirt. (lil peep)

erreday i do the sign of the cross

by spotlight ah moonlight ah January 3, 2022

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