Funny definition: Airport sickness
Actual definition: An incurable illness which is guaranteed to progressively worsen until it causes the sufferer's death.
A terminal illness usually affects the brain (Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, CJD/vCJD, Huntington's Disease, ALS, etc.)
However, this is not always the case.
A term used before politely hanging up on someone. It was first introduced by Alex Attia.
I don't appreciate the way you talk to me, this call has been terminated.
When you eye some one up and down looking at there flaws so u can roast the shit outta them.
John had his terminator vision all over Sarah. He was waiting for something to go down
When you fall from a great height in Minecraft Bedrock Edition and the game glitches so you have a short while before you suddenly die. (usually 5-10 minutes)
I just fell from that mountain, I got terminal bedrock
A being than lives inside Chads couch, whom nobody knows what it is, how it got there and such
A person who is a terminally useless fuck such as Matei
Matei is terminally useless fuck
When a young man deliberately agitates those around him, and cannot seem to exist without doing so.
Woman: Can you believe him? Putting ants in my hair and insisting I violently shake him to wake him up? A textbook case of terminal jackassery.