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Weed Wacking

When one person (girl or guy) uses their teeth to shave/pull pubic hair out of the other person's vaginal/penis area. Can be done by both Homosexuals and Heterosexuals.

Alex: OMG My Girlfriend was Weed Wacking Me Over the Weekend
Jim: Wasn't it Painful?
Alex: Surprisingly No.

by Gingie007 April 13, 2010

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see wiggity-whack, or wiggity wack.

Man, 'de'se foo's be wiggity-wack

by t!m January 4, 2005

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Wack Master

One who exhibits the dexterity to "wack off" multiple times in a 24 hour period and who keeps the remains of the self stimulating and sometimes illegal act in a shrine behind their bed, often referred to as a mecca.

Friend-Yo man why arent you responding to me?
Friend-Your wacking...arent you??
Wack Master- ahahaha im sorry man

by J-F January 24, 2007

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wack and stack

porn magazines used for masterbation.

Yo, my little sister found my wack and stacks!

by thmike March 25, 2007

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Weiner Wack

To wack a girl on particular part of her body solely for pleasure.

Jen, come over here so I can weiner wack on your boobies

by Petey P November 12, 2006

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JAZMINE SPEARS is the definition of the word

Jazmine is a wack peon lookin azz nigga.

by Sir P. May 27, 2008

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wack arnold

n.: the token "crazy black man" found in most corporate offices or similar settings. Characterized by short, quick burst of mildly violent behavior that usually result in dismissal for the rest of the day/week by the bossman.

"Yo, did you here Tyrese almost got fired yesterday for slam dunking Carlos' head in the trash can?"

"Yeah, but he'll be back to work tomorrow...he's just another wack arnold"

by Dr. Josephus October 23, 2008

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