A large, slightly overweight heterosexual male that has little to say and lacks a sense of masculinity. He of course tries to exude a pretense of manhood by eating a lot of meat, but may go up to his room for 'alone time' and start crying for no apparent reason. It would not be uncommon to hear of a female winning a physical battle with a meat oaf.
Hey Fred, look at that Meat Oaf being beat up by four school girls! I betchya he could use a big steak afterwards!
The testicles of the male anatomy.
I don't know what I said, but Bethany kicked me right in the meat eggs. It hurt so much I thought she broke my penis also.
The point between your belly button and vagina that creates a bulge in your jeans
bro my meat pouch is so big in these high wastes jeans
A wounded or swollen throat from gobbling too much man meat.
After repeated gobbling sessions I have a case of meat throat.
Someone who is born completely disabled, mentally, and has no potential to develop. Can also refer to someone who is beyond lazy and lifeless.
Babies deceasing in the womb are likely to become Meat Packets, sequentially.
Bill: "This mother fucker lived his entire existence in his room...what a meat packet."
A game that consists of two penis's with erection and a frisbee with a hole drilled in the middle. You play the game just lile horse shoes.
Mike and Paul invited Jerry over for a game of meat frisbee.