Source Code


The vaporous trails left behind by both U.S. passenger and military jet aircraft not to be confused with CON-TRAILS (Condensation trails)from aircraft especially in the 50`s and 60`s. A cloud like trail released by NWO jets that is extremely toxic to homo sapiens but not their space alien enemies. A chemical soup released at altitudes between 15,000 and 40,000 feet,which has been analyzed and found to contain the follwing:influenza agents ;anthrax; smallpox;arsenic;lead;cadmium;aluminum;antimony;barium,radioactive waste;polychlorides,oils;dioxin and malathion among other poisons fatal to mankind.

I am sure glad that the aircraft mechanic discovered the spray tanks and nozzles along with the "toxic soup" for CHEM-TRAILSaboard that U.S. airliner,or Americans might have never known about the NWO`s world-wide genocide program.

by T.J. Jackson November 27, 2003

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Snail trail

The mark of cum that one can leave behind on the sheets.

What was that thing you left behind on my pillow ?
Oh, you see, it was my attempt to a snail trail.

by Arteof April 22, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trail Mix

The consequential crumbs caught in one's happy trail resultant of eating shirtless.

That chach never wears a shirt and always has trail mix left over whenever he eats.

by Route8Drifter June 4, 2017

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Snail Trail

Strip of dark hair going from the navel to the pubic region, observable most men and some women.

When I was a young lad, my snail trail proved to the girls that I had come of age

by Rodolphe May 17, 2005

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Trail of Tears

Anywhere Chuck Norris walks.

We walked along the Trail of Tears after seeing Chuck Norris in Mcdonalds.

by eecer October 4, 2010

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happy trails

The line of pubic hair leading from just over the belly button to the genitile area. Often on the male gender.

"Whoa, dude, did you see that girls happy trails?!" "Yeah dude, that's gross,"

The hot model fingered the guys happy trails to get him horny.

by Keith101010 January 28, 2006

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Snail Trail

A group of great individuals that troll people using there discord server, they have been in many different troll events such as taking down the cyberscore website and just general casual trolling.

simon:"omg cyberscore is down " , bill replies :"ugh those fucking snail trailers did it"

by Zion190 May 19, 2021

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