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tube socked

It's not a real thing, it just sounds dirty when you say it out loud

Guy 1: you ok bro?
Guy 2: nah man, I just got tube socked!
Guy 1: eeh

by Your Mom692 March 14, 2019

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Danish tubing

The act of male masturbation wherein a rod or wire is inserted into the urethra and heated with a torch or small flame to stimulate the prostate.

Jeez, my dick hurts. I better cut down on the Danish Tubing.

by AloePants June 7, 2016

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two tube

Two tube is southern slang for a double-barreled shotgun.

Don't mess with him, he's got a two tube loaded with double ought.

by Edword August 1, 2006

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foof tube

A foof tube is a device made from scented dryer sheets, a cardboard tube, and a rubber band. It is used to mask the smell of smoke, usually marijuana.

To make: Rubber band one dryer sheet to an end of the tube, and stuff the tube with the rest of the sheets. Smoke passing through this tube will smell laundry fresh!

Also known as a blow tube.

"Man, smoking in my parents' basement can be sketch, but I use a foof tube and they're none the wiser!"

by ogmarshall November 29, 2008

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Tube socks

Typically white knee-length with stripes at the top. Looks good on both girls and guys. However, in the latter case should always be worn with short (mid-thigh or above) shorts and NEVER with sandals.

denim short shorts, tube socks and vans slip ons is a classic look, and extremely comfy in summer.

by futterwacker678 August 19, 2010

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Blue Tubes

The female eqivalent of "Blue Balls"

Dude, I was bangin' my girlfriend and I gave her blue tubes!

by LupisLupine December 15, 2006

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Noob Tube

Reference to a grenade launcher type weapon featured in several warfare silmulation games, both online and offline.
Takes very little skill to use and can kill whole groups of enemies with a single indirect hit, yet the explosion needs to be fairly close.

To be used liberally against elitist gamers who play games all day because they can't get jobs and whenever they can't win they start crying. Much amusement to be had reading their abuse.

Player 1 dies from grenade launcher attack.
Player 1 responds: "omfgwtfbbq you noob tubed me again you f&(*ing noob go have intercourse with your mum blah blah blah blah blah!!!!11!!!!11111"

by Goulderchauf April 14, 2010

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