The act of watching a previously recorded movie, TV show or sporting event with your friends when you each remain in your own homes and synchronize your DVDs to play simultaneously.
Simon: Are you going over to Nick's place to watch last night's game with him?
John: Nah, we both recorded it, I'm gonna stay home and we're gonna bro-watch it.
looking for someone while walking in a place that has a high probability of them being there, but hoping not to find them.
~whilst walking on campus~
Friend 1: you look a bit distracted
Friend 2: yeah, ever since Mary and I broke up I am ex-watching while on campus
A euphemism created by the clique for having sexual intercouse with a partner or another individual.
Mate I'm watching a DVD so I'll be a bit late
to watch thy cock; to be or act in an overly obsessed or attracted way. to be up someone's ass to the furthest extent
"bro you have bad grades" "bro stop cock-watching"
A company’s extreme micro management by use of fear tactics and supervisory bulling of its employees to the point work performance is negatively impacted.
Hey Johnny, Hurry up and finish, TPOC is watching
a technique used by bi guys to get the attention of his crush. commonly used when the speaker is internally panicking because of said crush.
dude A: *panicking* watching the sunset?
dude B: wait i'm your crush?
A game played at a nightclub where a group of guys competes to pick up the biggest girl at the bar
While playing Whale Watching the the club with the boys, I set my eyes on the prize:
Get your harpoons out boys, I’m about to land a 600 pounder