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Wine sweats

When one has consumed wine to such a quantity that there is no longer room in there belly. Thus wine is then sweat out of the body in a drunken hazy.

My girlfriend drank so much wine last night that she woke up soaked from a case of the wine sweats.

by RAMSAYBolton January 2, 2017

Pass the wine

When Madonna and Cardi B take interest in something new and profess their enormous knowledge on the subject across social media, triggering a chain phenomena. This results in household interest causing household members to take interest in the topic and express their new found interest by meeting with others who are now too newly interested. This results in social gatherings that include wine drinking. Laughs on the topic take place by these novices on the subject and they say to each other during the experience “Pass the wine” in a nonchalant manner.

Saturn and Jupiter come close together and a celebrity posts about it. Next thing everyone’s sisters and mothers are posting and talking about it and telescopes on Amazon hit all time sells. Now this groups of people gather together and pop open a bottle of wine. Next thing they are giggling and talking about how the event reflects on their life situation. Then one says: “Ohhh pass the wine” while giggling.

by CryoCrew December 23, 2020

Wakey Wines

Known in full as Wakefield Wines. Wakefield Wines is an off-licence shop in the City of Wakefield in West Yorkshire, UK that has gone viral on TikTok for selling Prime Hydration drinks at an extortionate price per bottle. Usually they charge £25 per bottle but one family spent a grand on several crates full. The owner can often be heard saying in TikTok clips with his customers "What's the best shop in Wakey? Wakey Wines!"

What's the best shop in Wakey? Wakey Wines.

by MrFunny83 January 2, 2023

Wine Gift

Wine Gift, The

The gift of just getting better with age. Usually referring strictly to some one's physical appearance, but can mean physically and mentally.

Person 1: I just saw Joanne the other day. She is 42 and still a size 5!
Person 2: She must have the Wine Gift.

by Charlie2991 June 15, 2010

Wine Mommy

A hot mom that lets you pour wine over her and cosume it off her body.

My friends mom is such a Wine Mommy

by BobWillis69 May 18, 2020

1👍 1👎

Wine Sex

Sex (or in some cases, a relationship) that starts out slow, or sometimes barely at all, usually with a chick who is very shy. But once you get her started (uncorked), she lets loose and the longer it goes, the better it will be, with time.

Luke: "Hey dude, you remember that chick from the library I hooked up with?"

Zeke: "Yeah, what about her? How did that go?"

Luke: "You wouldn't believe it! It was the best wine sex I've ever had!"

by Skye Riot August 24, 2008

13👍 7👎

rape wine

Wine a bachlor buys for the only purpose of entertaining girls he brings home. Usually cheap but sounds sophisticated to seem classy.

Hey bro, I just moved into a new apartment. I need to stock up on rape wine for the bitches. Bitches love wine.

by U2h1 November 23, 2013

4👍 1👎