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George Bush

An experiment in artificial stupidity

Fool me once shame on, shame on you
Fool me twice you can't get fooled again.

by Michael October 8, 2004

95๐Ÿ‘ 232๐Ÿ‘Ž

George bush

A stupid retard who will wage war on any country he pleases and is the worst president ever

U.S citizen1 - man that George bush guy is a Nazi how did he get elected
U.S citizen2 - i dont know ol' dubya probably counted the votes himself then got lazy and elected himself
U.S citizen1 - yah i agree i know that monkey got more votes than him

by unanimouslk November 21, 2006

65๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

this word has multiple meanings:
a very deformed man.
.a monkey.
a racist.
the last profacy......
earthquakes,hunger,war,storms,and GEORGE BUSH.
he claims that terrorist attacked the wtc.....
and yes that is true! bush did. george bush is a terrorist!

the soul reson that make americans hate america itself!
see also asshole
see also chump
and terrorist
and pig fucker
another word for shit,cock sucker,gaywad,and fag hag

agh....i steped on some dog GEORGE BUSH!
george bush (quitely to himeself: im gonna mess up america
hey girl...im ganna fuck you in your GEORGE BUSH!
how dare you call me a GEORGE BUSH?!?!?
shoot the GEORGE BUSH down! its gonna fuck the pigs!

by jorge1414 August 24, 2007

61๐Ÿ‘ 143๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

Maybe - I have no idea; I've never met or known the guy, but probably George Bush isn't a horrible human being, even though he carried out some of the most executions of capital punishment in Texan history as governor. Maybe not even a completely illiterate one. He's just far too incompetent to run a nation.

The reason it's screwed America over so badly is because the corrupt people within the Clinton administration had limited power, due to Clinton's limitation of executive powers (Just for anyone new here: these are the ideas of Baron de Montesquieu with separation of powers. Our government has three equal powers: legislative (makes the laws), executive (carries out the laws; this includes our President, his administrations, and all programs like the FBI and NSA), and judicial (interprets the laws).

Well, due to President Bush's incompetence, these corrupted people have been able to exert powers and expand the executive branch to sizes not seen since the Nixon Administration (and we all know what happened to Nixon). One of these main corrupt people is Dick Cheney, who I believe everyone should really be afraid of. The man is little short of evil, and so are his little buddies (cough, Donald Rumsfeld, *COUGH*), and with Bush as their puppet, we've suffered 9/11, invaded Iraq, lost lives in Hurricane Katrina, held back from acknowledging global warming until this year (WTF?), not ratified Kyoto Protocol, created tax cuts that benefit the rich over the poor, and essentially raped the Fourth Amendment. The first, ninth, and tenth, suffered some harassment, too.

Well. The overall point of this definition is not to single George Bush out as a disgrace to humankind, because maybe he's not worse than the majority of human beings (key word: maybe; I don't know this for sure). Nonetheless, whether's he's a bad person or simply a little stupid, he's not good enough for public office and our nation is sinking with his smiling face on the sail and the Administration at the helm.

Oh well. At least since people are fed up with Republican hypocrisy from his tenure as President, Democratic ideals will flood America and from there, split again into the factions of the conservatives and the liberals. At least that way, we will make progress for more than just the corporations and less progress for corrupt activity, yet still keep some conservativie values.

Just please. Anything but this man and his administration...

What more can I say? George Bush is probably the worst president we've had since Richard Nixon, just seems like this one's missing a step upstairs. Once he's out of office, maybe people won't hate him so much and he can prove to be a decent human being.

by Angelina Harvoux March 28, 2007

64๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Bush

the biggest dumbass on the entire planet that should never have been elected. if the us goes down in hell because of all of our alliance countries hate us it's his fault.

if you're a fag your name must be george bush

by someone from augusta middle school March 13, 2005

91๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

Alright, well I don't know for sure, but based on the U.S. press this is what has been pieced together...
Note: Sorry if this offends anyone. But it's truth. The truth is more important right now.

1-Started THREE unfinished, unsuccessful, pointless, selfish money-campaigning blood-for-oil wars.
2-Killed more innocent people than died on 9/11.
4-Did NOTHING to STOP 9/11.
5-Did NOTHING to help Hurricane Katrina Victims. Why? It was a large minority plea...
6-Replaced one of the best presidents as the worst.
7-Won 2 elections in a row without winning 1.
8-Turned largest surplus in U.S. History into largest deficet.
9-Tried blaming Iraq for the attempt on his life made by a pretzel during the Super Bowl, thus giving us the war(lol..).
10-Lies every time he speaks.
11-Mispronunciates every time he speaks.
12-Used Osama Bin Laden and 9/11 to his advantage to gain money, caring very little about the people.
13-Has at least 200 screw-ups in each speech caught on tape...
14-His approval rating is lower than the unemployment rate (not by much!!)
15-Bad businessman.
16-Has made EVERY country that didn't ABSOLUTELY hate us want to kill us all.

1-He didn't commit a sexual offense; that would be a "bad role model!!" *gasp*! It could get him impeached!

George BUSH: Also see redneck, hick, or Klansman.

Clinton got IMPEACHED for caring about minorities and having sex.

Bush got PAID for sacrificing thousands of people through the use of manipulation and extreme propoganda at the expense of the very country he and his Legion Of Evil are designated to protect (even though they weren't chosen BY the nation...).

What the fuck is wrong with these fucking idiots.

The ideas of Republicans aren't helping.
The ideas of Democrats aren't helping.
It's the ideas of the people who actualy come up with them that make a difference.
Think straight, vote straight.
Say NO to Rednecks, say NO to racism, say NO to Dicatorship (ahem<replace that word ybuda) and NO to wars against towels!

by WhatTheHellHaveWeComeTo May 31, 2007

61๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Bush

A big eared, jesus freak, mental case who preaches invasion of privacy (patriot act), censorship ( higher fines established for "shock jocks" than for terrosists), and destroying our national resources in Alaska, all in the name of big business and OIL.

Cheney- old company gets a no-bid contract to reconstruct IRAQ

Patriot ACT (aka, monitor your library books)

Alaska- exploit for Oil and Timber

Bush- bankrupts companies
- deserts his national guard unit
- not elected by the people
- is a moron who did cocaine and has DUI's
- is a Jesus FReak ( remember Separation of Church and STate, you retard, keep your religion on your ranch
- witchhunt against Howard Stern

by JohnKerryForPresident July 20, 2004

85๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž