When you have sex with a girl on her period, get your dick really bloody, then cram it in her asshole.
My girl was getting freaky on her period, so I gave her that bloody zombie. That did the trick!
Bloody Dairy: when having vaginal sex with a woman while she is menstruating, the male pulls his penis out right before ejaculating and inserts his bloody penis in her mouth.
Wade gave his girlfriend a bloody dairy.
Bloody Brian is an englishman that has typically escaped the motherland to hunt for sexy women and eat delicious food elsewhere in the world.
When Bloody Brian gets drunk he loves telling everyone how much he loves them.
Bloody Brian has deep and meaningful thoughts.
Bloody Brian as a gigantic cock
When a guy (with a mustache) goes down on a girl and she has/gets her period while he's eating her out causing the residue to get on his stache.
Guy #1: Freddy ate Jenny out last night.
Guy #2: How do you know?
Guy #1: He came out with a Bloody Mustache.
Guy #2: That's just ... wonderful.
A metaphor, popularized by YouTuber Nerd Explains, which compares the horror movie situation where one or more characters experience multiple signs in an area that something is “very wrong” with the making of a banana split/sundae. With each new sign experienced by the character(s), an ingredient is added to the metaphorical sundae, and once the metaphorical sundae is complete, one or more of the characters are either harmed or killed by whatever was causing the signs.
“If the front door being open is the split banana, this is the three scoops of ‘get the fuck out of the house’ ice cream”
-Nerd Explains explaining the Bloody Sundae in his video, “How to Beat the KILLER CAMERA in ‘Polaroid’ (2019)”
Bloody willy is when you slit your palm and masturbate
I gave myself a bloody willy last night
A mixture of Coke, cranberry juice and vodka mixed to take the appearance of blood.
Jim sat down at the bar and ordered a Bloody Russian.
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