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Cute couple

Two people made for each other

Wow! Keziah and William make a cute couple!

by Willziah March 6, 2023

Cute Couple

A term commonly used to describe a couple (usually in the early stages) who you think (or many people agree) are very fit for each other.
Example : "Aww, Marisa and Cloud are such a cute couple!"
Additionally, this can also be used as a compliment.

Example : "Marisa, you and Cloud make such a cute couple!"

"Person One, you and Person Two make such a cute couple!"

by ZeroikaTwo.ChExE August 31, 2023

Shower Couple

An appellation for Viren and Jeevika,From the Indian television series called “Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai”.Because the only time they were relevant was when they showers together.Horny dogs.

When you see a couple eating each other’s lips out, “They’re such a shower couple”.

by WinterBitch June 23, 2019

couple of coconuts

Like two peas in a pod...a good but goofy fit

Two people that are a lot alike in a fun way...

"Those two are a couple of coconuts"

by Celms February 23, 2014

Covid Couple

A couple that started dating during COVID-19 pandemic. They are like a regular couple except everything happens at 10x the speed as all they have had to do is get to know each-other.

Per1: Wow are they moving in already? It’s been 2 months?!

Per 2: Yeah, they are a covid couple it makes sense

by Loveybirdy April 22, 2021

Sexy couple

A couple of two people who are fine as heck. These people tend to make others jealous

David and Elena were so good looking that Tekashi said “damnnn that’s one sexy couple

by FactsProvider November 12, 2021

Couple moments

Moments that involve bickering while cuddling.

Fighting and making out, Ahh couple moments .

by Bodingwell November 23, 2014