When someone tells tou to pick up something but on the deadlocs you don't want to
Occonel: pick that bag up
Bonathanos:lmao i aint no custodian
the feeling of nobleness and respect.
the feeling of imminent country swang in texas
it could also be used as a cussing alternative
aintness guy cool! or he is a very just and aintness judge
the feeling of nobleness and respect.
the feeling of imminent country swang in texas
it could also be used as a cussing alternative
aintness guy cool! or he is a very just and aintness judge
One not of value or valor, witch be all bad.
This bitch definately be val~i~aint!
The writer suggests we 'hold up', signalling the xenoliterary statement about to be delivered to us, and him suggesting us to in fact hold up in order to properly process what he is about to say.
It is obvious to anyone the line is not meant to be complimentary, in fact, the statement is intended as an insult!
Now, of course, you ask yourself, "well, who is Nathaniel B? if he's trying to insult him why not compare him to someone we know?".
This is the wrong way to approach the analysis.
Of course, don't feel bad, it takes a learned individual to understand concepts of this nature, especially a concept that flirts so sensitively with the metaphysical.
If the young man were to compare the other man to someone generally perceived as negative, if he'd compared him to an infamous celebrity, or perhaps someone local to the group of people who is known as being less than savoury - there would be no magic.
The real genius here is the fact that we, and seemingly even the audience present, have no idea who this "Nathaniel B" is.
He is an enigma, a John Doe, a D.B Cooper.
So how would it be an insult? Well here's where it becomes Shakespearian.
It is obvious from the man's delivery and intellect - of course, he must be at the top level of literary scholars to think of a line like this on the spot - that he knows who Nathaniel B is.
Effectively with one line he is telling us he created this man, and he is the only one who can judge him, and assumedly his judgement is negative.
Person 1: Hold up, aint you Nathaniel B?
Person 2: what
Talking about doing something without actually backing it up.
Dont talk the talk if you cant walk the walk
Person 1 - i have been putting in so much efforts in the gym lately.
Person 2 - “Dont call yourself a model if you aint been in vogue”
Finally understanding how someone effected you negatively and you understand your worth
Im not gonna key your car ill call your f**ing mom. Fellas Aint sh*t