A little bitch that doesn't have any skills so they whine on the internet about how eating meat is animal cruelty
PETA went all assistant manager at being vegan when they couldn't get people to stop hunting.
1. Plural of assistant.
2. In the context of AI, a prompt is made to assist developers or scripters where they are made to change a few words for a different context for comedy, variety, or both.
1. My assistants helped me with my work.
2. I created assistants to convert words with e to words without e but still make sense.
Help provided against the will of the provider and/or recipient
The grocery store bagger, in a fine display of pernicious assistance, quickly jammed my groceries into the paper bag, despite my saying "no thanks," as I finished paying the cashier. "It's my job, ma'am," his mouth said, as his eyes told me to get out of the way of the rest of the line.
Help provided against the will of the recipient and/or giver
The grocery store bagger, in a fine display of pernicious assistance, quickly jammed my items into the bag, despite my saying "no, thanks" as I paid the cashier. "It's my job, ma'am," said his mouth, as his eyes told me to stop blocking the line.
What is called over the intercom when a patient acts extremely unsafe or disruptive at the psych ward and they need extra help to deal with the situation. When the situation is extra dire, a "staff assist with security" may be called.
Roman: "Man, that dude is going absolutely insane. We'd better call for a staff assist!"
Mike: "With security?!"
Roman: "Yes!"
What is called over the intercom when a patient acts extremely unsafe or disruptive at the psych ward and they need
extra help to deal with the situation. When the situation is extra dire, a "staff assist with security" may be called.
Roman: "Man, that dude is going absolutely insane. We'd better call for a staff assist!"
Mike: "With security?!"
Roman: "Yes!"
Mike: "Oh no! I'll get the Thorazine then!"
An assist where the pass had little to no affect on if a point was scored, yet still receives an assist.
Teammate scored & still got an assist even though you last touched the ball 10 seconds ago? Call it an Eli Assist.