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the instance of AppLovin CS & developers lowballing or attempting to close your ticket with the worst resolution imaginable

I sent in a ticket since my BOGO pack didn’t give free one. I ended up buying 2 more to see if it would come through but now devs are suggesting I delete account and start over. I refuse to be butlered by them!

by PseudoKitt March 8, 2022

Caroline Butler

A person who us self absorbed and A whole cunt

Wow you're acting like a Caroline Butler

by KillerWhaleShark April 24, 2019


This is a descriptor for when something has reached it maximum level of adorability. So if something is as adorable as possible it has the quality of "ashley-kate-butler".

This word functions best as an adjective with a qualifier like "completely", "so" or is best negated by "lacking".

Wow, that baby kitten is completely ashley-kate-butler

Last week my niece ate a baby-motherfucking-cino with her pinky finger raised. It was ashley-kate-butler.

That girl thinks she's hot... but she's lacking any ashleigh-kate-butler.

by twocakesforeveryone May 1, 2013

Benton Butler

A man who loves cheating/non consensually fornicating with very drunk women.

your honor but he pulled a benton butler on maytree.

by dickdowner mc faret January 16, 2024

Crumb butler

One who sprinkles little bread crumbs over your body before inserting his tongue into your anus

I didn’t realize Tina was really a crumb butler

by TheLaur June 19, 2021

Malcolm Butlered

(verb) 1. Getting dressed and ready for a big moment and getting turned down, dismissed or declined to take part in something.

2. To decline or remove out of foolish pride.

Malcolm Butlered m AE l k uh m But ler D
1. I got dressed and ready for the big dance but got Malcolm Butlered at the entrance by the professor due to disciplinary actions.

2. We got dressed and ready for the big meeting but we got Malcolm Butlered by the client due to our differences.

by mycousingeorgie February 9, 2018

1👍 1👎

kp and butler donny bad boys

2 of the topest men you will ever meat well hung and easy going easy to get along with but will bum you mum straight up the gary

kp and butler donny bad boys2 of the topest men you will ever meat well hung and easy going easy to get along with but will bum you mum straight up the gary would ruin you mum dinner dumper but still enjoy a nice afternoon out with rest of family and be loved what a set of men any one would be lucky to have one

by kp butler donny legends July 22, 2022