Jumper Cables is a game where participants, typically standing in a circle, use a pairs of jumper cables to beat one another until only one participant is left standing.
Hey bro! You wanna play jumper cables?
When you've been in a committed relationship for 10+ years and you'd rather get off to reruns of softcore HBO/Cinemax/Showtime pornos than have sex with your significant other.
(Wife walks into the living room wearing an "I heart ellen" t-shirt, sweatpants, and crocs)
Wife: Hey, honey. Wanna Netflix and Chill tonight? *wink*
Husband: Ugh
(Husband places his left hand down his pants and his right hand on the U-verse remote)
Husband: Looks like it's a Cable and Commitment night
is where you take a pair of jumper cables and put it on a girls tits then put it on your cock and shoot "webs" on it there for traveling up to the tit
Just did the Indian Jumper cables to my girl in bed last night