Source Code


Means to emphasis NOT TO COPY

it's a replacment for follow me instead of using copy say follow which protects from having hollowed or hallow typed mindsets

Also use Duplicate instead of Copy.

'Copy' me if you want to.
'Copy' this too.

by UnoYoko February 12, 2022

someone that copies a lot


Copious Copious is someone that copies a lot. eg a copy-cat
That girl is a Copious
Oshey,Copious,eyan capaski

by Nhimie June 2, 2021

blind carbon copy false memory

when receipients of a bcc falsely believe unknowingly that they’re familiar with a person mentioned in it but are not.

The blind carbon copy false memory thru the recipients for a loop.

by Coop Dupe June 4, 2018

sharp copy

"Sharp copy" is the phrase sometimes used by photographers to say that the image quality (sharpness in particular) of this particular version of the lens is good. When something is mass-produced, designs are made which define the ideal size, along with the upper and lower limits for tolerance away from this ideal size, for every piece (every screw, hole, seal, etc.) in the final product. When it comes to making a lens, these variances apply to the glass as well as the metal housing. Sometimes a lens which might pass quality inspection at the factory might perform worse than another lens that came off the same production line at a different time.

"This is a pristine, sharp copy of the Canon EF 70-200mm F/2.8 L IS USM Lens; it is flawless."

by netinept July 30, 2012

Copy and Paste Intelligence

A way of thinking when one can recite large amounts of information for an exam without analyzing that information just to forget it after that information is no longer relevant in their course

Jon thinks he's smart but all he has is copy and paste intelligence

by Heyitsj000 April 20, 2019

Copy, Paste, and Resubmit

When someone said/did something and they need to say/do it again because the first time wasn't giving

Teacher: "The bell does not dismiss you, I do."

Student: "Man, you better copy, paste, and resubmit that cuz you thought you ate!"

by Cammy227 February 2, 2022

Copy-Paste Face

When someone's face is exactly the same in every one of their photos/selfies they have a "copy-paste face". It's as if someone cut out their face from one photo and pasted it in every other photo.

Barb: look at my photos from my vacation in Vegas, Sharon! I had so much fun.
Sharon: *looks at photos* I'm sorry to tell ya, Barb. But you have a copy-paste face. You look exactly the same in every photo!

by Chocolaitchipcookie September 22, 2016