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The coolest dancers

The coolest dancers always have no drama llama and have lots of goodies to share 😋😋

The coolest dancers are so funny

by yesomgslayallday May 20, 2022

Sarovar Bar Dancer

Kiccha Sudeepa:- Dick licker of other heroes and he is famous for his side roles. Another word for Flop is Luccha alias Aliens ka baap, Mars Star deepanna😎.
Proud Iron Leg of Sandalwood, Baadshata Luccha Suledeepa.

Sarovar Bar Dancer Luccha Sudeep is the man with the highest flop ratio in Sandalwood who attached caste label to kfi.

by Moni9998 January 28, 2021

fancy dancer

A tall polish man skidding on ice more than expected .

"Woah nice catch, quite a fancy dancer ain't ya?"

"I almost slipped to far on that ice" "Don't worry that makes you a fancy dancer!"

by LuchaOlive February 25, 2023

dancer juice

When you at an event where an erotic performer covers themselves in water, milk etc. and then shakes it on the audience. This liquid not only contains what they soaked themselves in but also their DNA.

I was watching an erotic performer on valentine's pouring milk on herself in a kiddy pool and when she whipped her hair, her dancer juice got into my drink.

by chibivix February 15, 2016


not just "scene", DANCE SCENE! involves wearing a large amount of "onesies", being better than everyone else, and being engrossed in your reflection in the mirror. OBZ!

Karen- "ohmygawd, look at that dancer, she is so scene its RIDIC!"

Chasity- "GOD KAREN. Shes not "scene"! She's....DANCER SCENE!"

Karen- *gasp*

Chasity-...and therefore obz better than everyone else

by 1RidicSceneDancer4EVA September 22, 2009

slam dancer

A person who takes part in a dance preformed at punk rock concerts. You jump around and go wild notvto be confused with moshing, because the violence is not intentional

Hey look at those slam dancers listening to The Dead Kennedys.

by professional punk rocker September 21, 2015

dancer dyslexia

The complete lack of ability to follow even the simplest dance combination.
---- Coined by Heidi

"Kick, turn, out, in, pivot step, fuck you!"
"Come on, the combination isn't that bad."
"To you maybe, but I have dancer dyslexia."

by Heidi_in_Cal June 26, 2014