To fart or to pass gas when there's no danger of anything solid coming out with it.
I knew there was something making me feel uneasy, but after a little crap dusting I felt just fine.
A powdery substance which is concealed during combat, and thrown into the eyes of the opponent. The intent is to cause temporary blindness.
In the movie Bloodsport starring Jean-Claude Van Damne, leb dust is thrown into Jeans face, rendering him blind.
the dust in the cereal box that goes into your bowl when all the cereal is gone.
FUCK. all i got was cereal dust because dave finished all the goddamn cocoa puffs.
When you purposefully fart in someone’s bed to retaliate or preemptively take action against what you think they may do to you.
Kitty: “That guy who checked into room 3400 was a real asshole to the bell hop.”
Kim: “I know, I am Dutch dusting his bed when I clean the room today.”
A powder head, or coke head. Any person who puts any substance that can be made into a powder form up their nose. Aka. A DJ
Hey dust junky, wipe your nose.
That place is crawling with dj's.
An younger individual (commonly male, but sometimes female) who frequently makes attempts at sexual conquests with other indivuals over the age of 60.
Person 1: "Yo, did you hear Billy banged this this dude's grandma?"
Person 2: "No, but I'm not surprised, Billy is such a dust pirate."
Woman who sucks off old men, hence removing the dust from their undersexed bodies.
That Red is a real dust sucker, she just loves the old guys.