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gadget envy

The desire felt by some purchasers when a popular new gadget launches.

Much like regular envy, it includes overlooking flaws in the desired gadget, as well as a discounting of the similar capabilities of a gadget already owned.

It is manifested with the typical expressions of envy toward anyone possessing the gadget, regardless of need.

I just saw Tom playing with the new iPhone. I've got the old one, and I've got such gadget envy right now!

by datapolitical February 28, 2009

Chip Envy

The feeling you have when at the beach or pool upon seeing someone else with snacks and you have none.

I saw a little kid with a bag of Lay's BBQ and found myself having serious chip envy.

by littlewoz May 3, 2015

envy voter

A person who votes for a candidate or policy because they have made bad choices in life and they want people who have made good choices to subsidize their dumbass approach to life.

Bernie Sanders: Ahhhh, that stupid crack ho is my base. She’s just a good solid envy voter.

AOC: That dude is a loser who can’t bone. But he is a good solid envy voter.

by DonnySloot October 27, 2020

lunch envy

When someone has better lunch then you and you are jealous of them because of it.

"Steak for lunch ? when did you cook that?"
"My roommate is in culinary school, these are just the left overs"
looks at peanut butter sandwich "dude, now I have serious lunch envy"

by BORNOPTIMIST December 2, 2014

Tentacle Envy

the extreme feeling of jealousy of Tentacles due to them getting into female anime characters when you cant

*beats meat to hentai*
person:sighs why can i not do that

bro beating it with him:dude you got Tentacle Envy

by Xx_epic420_xX June 23, 2020

community envy

A longing to be a part of someone else's community. Often triggered by perusing someone's friends and followers on social networks.

He saw how awesome her Twitter followers were and felt a deep sense of community envy.

by katealamode April 13, 2016

Angels Envy

Angels Envy is A type of Kentucky straight bourbon made by the Angel’s Envy Distillery. It’s 46% ABV. You know how people drinks certain types of whiskey and they think they are cool? This shit is so damn good not only will it make you smack your mama but.. also kick her in the azz It’s very hard to get because snobby people in line at the liquor try buying all of it. Instead of leaving some that sweet juice with people who will appreciate it .

I needs a bottle of that angels envy please

by Western Tunesmith February 9, 2021