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Fat Fatty Mc Fat-Fat

A very nice (nick)name... for someone who is overweight and very very chunky

You! Yeah, you over there! Look at chu all fat yo ima call you Fat Fatty Mc Fat-Fat ya digg?

by brandyy August 26, 2006

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What your momma is😘

Becky: β€œDo I look okay in this picture”

Steve: β€œEw your fat!”

by I’m a secret July 6, 2019

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A Fat person

That person is fat.

by Bully Bitch May 24, 2016

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To be over what the government believes is a healthy weight limit for certain ages

Wow that kid Adam is really fat for his age

by MacPiper January 18, 2019

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Me I'm fat

You are fat

by IMfAt3434 October 29, 2019

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oh no its fat.

by ANDIOOPPPPPPPPP October 28, 2019

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A women with a large gut that potrudes trough clothes and grabs attention of various people in public, they ask things like

Are ya gonna do anything about that fat gut of yours
You are far to fat for those clothes

by Hairybeacon July 18, 2019

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