A person who is a low down, dirty rotten bastard.
Me: Dude anyone tell you that jeff got your girl wasted and fucked her last night?
Other guy: Jokes on him. I gave that chunky piece of menstrual fluids girlfriend a mustache ride last night, plus my girlfriend hardly ever blow me anyways and when she does she never lets me shoot it in her face, time for a change.
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Spontaneous Mass Bodily Fluid Discharge, or SMBFD, is an extreme condition occurring at random without warning.
The potential side-effects include, but are not limited to: severe humiliation, emotional trauma, temporary to permanent paralysis of the face during Discharge, speech impediments, IBS, ED, and death.
Simultaneous discharges are as follows, in no particular order: tears, laughter, ejaculation, explosive defecation, projectile vomiting, coughing, sneezing, burping, and urination. Some cases have reported a brief scream prior to the simultaneous discharge. Causes are still unknown, and thus occurrences have been established to be completely random. Female cases have also been reported, and every side-effect is involved, excluding of course ED.
Victims of SMBFD have been known to lose consciousness immediately following the Discharge, only to regain it minutes to hours later. Unfortunately, amnesia is not a side-effect.
So I was walking to the counter at the library, when suddenly I cried, laughed, pissed and shat myself, puked, coughed, sneezed, and burped--all at the same time. It was so overwhelming that I passed out and woke up several minutes later, lying in a pool of my own fluids. Apparently, I also came, too. I heard a librarian murmur "It's Spontaneous Mass Bodily Fluid Discharge. He's got the SMBFD." I ran out, sweating and needing to take a shit; I tried to talk but couldn't. I never want to, either, not about what happened.
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Genital-fluid, or genital fluid, describes an individual whose personality varies from being a dick, to a pussy, or an ass/ asshole, etc. Not always an insult.
Simon: "What's wrong with you lately? You've been such an obnoxious jerk and coward lately."
Freddy: "I might be genital-fluid, bro."
Simon: "Bro... Get over it."
Freddy: "Nah, it's pretty fun, assface. Not gonna lie :)"
1. Water, usually that found in a natural source such as a river or a lake.
Jenny: Ew! I'm all wet!
Jimmy: Oh shut up! Its just fish fluid.
any liquid produced by the body like sweat, semen and urine
A:is sweat a bodily fluid?
B:yes any fluid produced by the body are bodily fluids
The substance that is in the traffic lights that disappear when you travel beneath them.
Traffic lights that appear as though they have "liquid light fluid" in them when you pass under them.
Truthful information that is provided in a misleading or confusing manner in order to suggest different results or intentions.
Similar to how light refraction causes an object to appear to bend in water.
Partial inspections that allow contraband to be relocated between inspections
An incompetent spokesperson that can provide raw data, but is unable to provide context
Graphs set to an awkward scale to imply different or more impressive results
Person 1: Look at our profit growth. It's off the charts!
Person 2: It only looks that way because the chart doesn't start at zero. It's less than 1%.
Person 1: That's rather disappointing.
Person 2: That's how fluid transparency works. It's not untrue, just misleading.