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1. something disgusting

2. total amount of multiple values.

1. that guy is gross, he rolls in mud and doesn't shower!

2. The gross income for Business A. is $9999...+

by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1 November 23, 2021


Gabby she likes to shit on herself and eat it in the corner of the room. I do not like her smelly fingers

do you see that girl eating poop in the corner she is sooooooo gross.

by daddy👅💧 March 6, 2019


Yes bitch! Ew! Don't touch spiders! UuUuUugh!

Hym "Yes! It's gross! Why would you DO that!?"

by Hym Iam March 13, 2024


Used as a noun for a person that consistently displays disgusting habits. Gross would take the place of "guy", "girl", "person", etc, when it would be unsettling to include them amongst the normal population of humans.

"He's the Gross that made that mess".
"That Gross was coughing and hacking all over my stuff".
"They are all grosses".

by Winston C March 17, 2017

McDonald gross

A McDonald gross is when you get all you can out of a car deal even if it means burying used cars. For example bump a trade 3 grand over average book or take a set of wheels and don’t credit used cars.

“He’s so upside down I can’t get him done. Someone must have McDonald grossed him”

by Justafan January 14, 2019

Jackson Gross

A nice kid that smokes crack and sometimes meth. They really like meth

Hey want some crack Jackson Gross, “sure I’ll take some crack”

by Koolkidkeel March 29, 2019

Bike gross

It’s when you egg and spray liquid fart on someone’s bike

I’m going to bike gross this idiot who owes me 50 bucks

Dude I bike grossed this nerd last night

by Keyboard smasher June 8, 2024