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An inferior family of men. Much to their negligence, they are hated amongst everyone and are made fun of consistently. Their cocky attitudes and self pride are covers to protect themselves from the truth of their incompetency, impotency, and moronic values.

They have a "family drink" called a flaming Dr. Pepper, which only halfway fits to their personalities. The "flaming" part of those drinks fit very well, as most of the family members (if not all) are of a homosexual nature. This drink is fairly strong which does not describe the family in any way. It is assumed that this drink was chosen so the family could seem cooler then they are or ever hope to be.

"Hey, who's in the Beta-Chi Family?"

"Who the hell cares."

by Greg Finch September 21, 2011

34๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beta Bitch

That girl you are just fucking around with and testing out your relationship with. The female version of a beta nigga.

How are things going in with Kate?
Just fucking around with her, shes just my beta bitch.

by JASanchez91086 July 22, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beta Housing

Beta Housing originates from the left armpit of America, Winona, MN. The idea behind Beta Housing is to piss off drunk college kids. There are many ways this can happen, either by yelling provocative things at them or throwing shit (eggs, ammonia bombs, toilet paper, air horns, urine, etc.) at them and their possessions (house, car, girlfriends, etc.). It was first practiced during Freshman Orientation week 2011. Where Kill Bill, Kumar, and Nitro drove by blasting music and yelling, "Beta House!" this later turned into college houses getting egged.

Kill Bill: Hey Kumar lets go Beta Housing tonight!

Kumar: Great, I'll go get the eggs!

by Notorious Bill June 7, 2012

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Soyboy Beta

A soyboy Beta is an ugly amalgamation of a soyboy and a beta


Harry: Yo Luke wys

Luke: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Harry: shit bro sorry didn't know you was a soyboy beta

by Bigpoopooboy April 20, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beta Male

someone who does follows what their friends say so that they don't get into a fight. Follows a alpha male

Boy 1: You need to fuck your dog or fuck you my self and kill you after
Boy 2 (beta male): Ok, whatever you say master

by FUCK YOU SOY BOY August 25, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

beta cuck

Dumb incel slang used by some dude too fragile to accept that they will never fit their stupid ideal of virility. The "beta" part come from an animal, primitive explication of the social world and "cuck" means "cuckold", meaning in this case "dude who let his property fucked by stranger". According to this despicable theory, women are percieve as mere commodities. That is explain by the fact that their users probably never interacted with a women beside their mothers and maybe unfortunate sisters, who they probably abused.

Incel: meh meh meh beta cuck
Incel 2: im such an alpha my penis is big

by Bigball6969 September 22, 2018

69๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž

Generation Beta

Generation Beta (2025-239( is After Generation Alpha and will mostly be the sons/daughters Of Generation Zoomer/ Millennials. They will also be a 2030s-2040s kid and will most likely live a better life than Alpha as Alpha grew up with Covid-19 for Who knows long. Another thing is Generation Beta Is that Some Generation Z will only be 16-13 when the Fist Generation Beta are born

Tim was born in 2027 he in a Generation Beta.

by REALNAMEISCOOL December 19, 2021

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