Kira is the most wonderful person she is a hot cute nice girl and she’s always there for if u meet Kira ull Fall inlove w her just Aaahhh
Dude:Woah she’s hot other dude: ofc it’s Kira
A dude who loves hands and a serial killer
Watashi no na wa “kirayoshikage” nenrei 33-sai jitaku wa moriōchō hokutō-bu no bessō chitai ni ari… kekkon wa shite inai… shigoto wa “kameyūchēn-ten” no kaishain de mainichi osokutomo yoru 8-ji made ni wa kitaku suru tabako wa suwanai sake wa tashinamu teido yoru 11 tokiniha yuka ni tsuki kanarazu 8-jikan wa suimin o toru yō ni shite iru… nerumae ni atatakai miruku o nomi 20-bu hodo no sutoretchi de karada o hogushite kara yuka ni tsuku to hotondo asamade jukusui-sa… akanbō no yō ni hirō ya sutoresu o nokosazu ni asa-me o samaseru nda… kenkōshinda demo ijō nashi to iwa reta yo
shigechi talks
watashi wa tsuneni “kokoro no heion” o negatte iki teru ningen to iu koto o setsumei shite iru noda yo… “kachimake” ni kodawattari atama o kakaeru yōna “toraburu” toka yoru mo nemurenai to itta “teki” o tsukuranai… to iu no ga watashi no shakai ni taisuru shiseideari sore ga jibun no kōfukuda to iu koto o shitte iru… mottomo tatakatta to shite mo watashi wa darenimo makenga ne
Kira is an amazing girl with an outstanding sense of humour. She is smart, funny, kind, compassionate, open-minded, and kind-hearted. She is so perfectly unique and loves all sorts of colours. She has so many interests and passions, and she can do anything if she tried. She is the best friend you will ever have, and you should never ever let her go. She is accepting of everyone, and will help you through thick and thin. She will love you no matter what, and you should love her back.
Kira is my best friend. I love her so so much.
the most hot and sexy and cool person you will ever meet in your time here on earth.
1👍 1👎
Technically, scientifically, economically, emotionally, biologically, spiritually, mentally. Maddy is kira and the only kira that is around. So if you think otherwise ur racist to asians. Also btw marc isn’t kira.
“maddy is the new sheriff in town and y’know he’s said to be kira:)”
Kira: Kira is a person who has been carrying yagami, grounded, & karma since i’ve heard his voice changer in pods
Me: Yo bro you heard of kira?
Friend: Nah, who is that?
Me: He funny asf, he use a voicechanger & carries yagami, grounded & karma
the goonqueen of furrysex, likes braps and vore
Kira Catmom!: roll to be an actual goonqueen *urrrrrrp*
Kira Catmom! rolled a die with 20 sides. The die showed: 20