An extinct plane of existence consisting of slutty teenage, emo, attention whore, douchebags who constantly update their page and don't really have any friends but pretend to. Much like a facebook, but no one gives one shit about it anymore. (Thank God almighty)
2006 Teenagers-
2014 Teenagers-
What the hell is a myspace?
A ghost-town of a social networking site.
Person A: Hey look at my new Myspace theme
Person B: What's Myspace?
A formerly big social media site that died between 2007-2012 depending on who you asked. This is due to the rise of Facebook, flooding of ads and other bad business decisions.
Myspace 2020:hello? Anyone here?
The ghost town of the internet, once the largest social media site , now completely destroyed by websites like Facebook and Twitter. It is becoming forgotten quickly, almost as quickly as all of the crimes Justin Bieber has committed.
Oh my God, girl, you are so much fun. You should totally add me on Facebook.
Facebook? I have a Myspace account.
Myspace? Wtf is a myspace?
What social media looks like at its downfall
Bob: MySpace? Wtf is MySpace???? Ooo u mean Facebook
a social media site that went the way of the dinosaur
person one : do you have any friends on myspace
person two: yeah this one guy named tom