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Signing Madness

When an author promices to sign a very large amount of pre-ordered books in an ever decreasing amount of time.
Symptoms include bad fashion sense, increase puff levels, RSI, and stunted youtube videos. Sypmtoms fade once book is released and signing - the cause - also stops.

2011 John Green's promise to sign all copies of pre-ordered 'TFIOS' (The Fault In Our Stars). Now he has Signing Madness.

by Shortcut888 October 19, 2011

mad dumb

Mad dumb refers to you basically going over the top and look really stupid from another person's veiw are somebody will just take it as she actions mad but dumb st this same time.

Girl look at that girl dancing:right she looks mad dumb๐Ÿคฃ

by Sevenfw September 3, 2017

Mad Deep

Something that is very important and requires high intellectual thoughts. Something that is deep is emotional and is to be taken seriously. Mad deep requires even more seriousness and thought.

That conversation last night got mad deep fam

by Just a white kid July 22, 2017

28๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

mad dog

To stare fixedly at someone in a hostile manner. Generally used to convey anger or disdain, can be a signal that a fight is about to happen.

That guy was mad dogging me after I got his girl friend's number.

by andrew April 26, 2004

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mad out of it

Under the influence of drugs, esp ecstasy

I took 3 e's last night and I was mad out of it

by Aldizzle August 22, 2006

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Mad milk

Cum from scouts penis after watching Ms pauling porn.
and then he throws it at them (enemies)

Scout: throws cum (Mad Milk
Spy: Is this?? MON DIEU

by Tf2Player2018 November 17, 2020

25๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mad Chill

Phrase meaning very cool, or showing strong approval for something.

That kid is Mad Chill.

This is some Mad Chill pizza.

I love that place...its Mad Chill.

by Steve August 1, 2003

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